
Something new, and some old shit.
Advice of the day: While at work, do not get jalepeno chili fries for lunch unless you want to be shitting your pants and miserable for the rest of the day. And by shitting your pants, I mean a massive stomach, intestinal cramping, deadly gas and numerous explosive bathroom breaks.

Now on to the entry.

Personally, I'm getting a little tired of both the anti-war and pro-war sentiments. Everyone knows everyone else's opinions, so just shup up already. But I saw this picture at Craig's diary today and it made me laugh, so I did the only proper thing I could do: steal it for my own page. And actually I wish Hollywood would shut up about everything in general.

Also, my friend Mary got this file from one of my previous entries to work, because she rocks like that. I wanted to post it again, in case some of you missed it. This is an Iraqi born woman now living in America calling in to a radio talk show to share her views on this war. It's powerful.

I wanted to link to another previous entry, just because. It's a little diddy on kids and discipline. Read it.

Last items for today: Still looking for more worthy diaryland bitches to join my ring. And I'd be honored and overjoyed if you freaks would fill out my latest survey. Happy Hump Day!

It's been 11 days since my last cigarette.

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