
I like big dicks and I can not lie, you other sistas can't deny!
I'm sorry to be the one, although I'm sure I'm not the first one nor the last one, to say this. But, fellas, size DOES matter. (As I duck under my desk to protect myself from back-handed slaps coming in my direction.) It's not so much length really, who likes the long, skinny, pokey kind? And it's not so much width either, who likes the short, stubby kind? But a nice even combination of both is good.

Don't get me wrong, I've loved a man with the not-very-long not-very-thick-either kind. But it's kind of hard to enjoy the shagging when you can't feel anything. I know that sounds horrible and I'm a slut who's going to hell, BUT I have to put this out on the table. And I have to be honest. ANY girl who tells you that size does not matter is a LIAR. There is hope, however, because size is not ALL that matters, ok? And any girl who tells you it is, is a liar too.

It's very easy to fall in love with a man regardless of his size. Like I said, I've loved a man who was rather teeny weeny, it wasn't the size of his manhood that made me fall. It was his heart and soul. Yes, I wish it would have been bigger. Yes, it would have made the shagging more enjoyable for me. Yes, I would have wanted it more often. BUT, if you are looking for true love, then it doesn't really matter. There are many many other ways to please your woman, in addition to the shagging.

On the other hand, if you are just trying to get laid, then yeah, that's all that matters. I mean, you may be able to snag a few ho's (I'll admit it, I've been tricked by the teeny weeny manwhore), but eventually, the word will get out, or ho's will start to be more cautious and will make sure they check out the package before they deliver their own goods. I know I've learned my lesson.

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