
My brain won't leave me alone.
I can't concentrate. I don't want to work. I hate my job. But I love the benefits, so I can't quit.

I'm sick. My throat hurts. Owee. Damn you, viruses, damn you to hell.

My inbox is caving in. Deadlines. Deadlines. Suck my butt, you filthy deadlines.

It's cloudy and shitty and ugly and humid outside today. Rain is lovely, but cloudy with no rain makes me sad.

And tired. I want to sleep. I think I'm addicted to sleep. But only during the day. I can't sleep at night. I lie in bed for hours, tossing and turning. My brain won't shut the hell up. It keeps me awake.

Then when I fall asleep finally, I wake up two, three times a night to pee. My bladder must be the size of a grape. I pee all day long. I hate you, stupid bladder.

I'm so fucking tired. All the time. What's wrong with me? I'm so tired of being tired all the time.

This entry eats ass man. I know. But I don't care because I'm irritated and don't give a fuck about shit. I hate this hellhole with it's flourescent lights and no windows. I will die in this God forsaken place. This is not natural.

Then again, my life rules. I wouldn't change anything except this dumb job and more time to sleep and a bigger bladder.

Leah, you make me sad.

Gratuitous link of the week:The Best Damn Web Page in the Universe

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