
Mother fucker shit ass bitch dickhole!
I want some new cuss words. The old mother fuckers are just boring like stale ass. I need some new shit to work with. If any of you bastards have any ideas for brand spanking new cuss words, please leave me a note. Thanks asswipes. And speaking of spanking, if I don't get some ass like soon, I think I might just spontaneously combust.

I've recently discovered that I am retarded.

Also, I've been having massive, explosive, painful diarhea since 11PM last night. Owwee. What the hell did I eat?

And I've been fascinated by some of you bitches lately. I want to have one big orgy with you all. My faith in humanity is a little brighter, a little more sunshiny today. Even though it is rainy and blah outside again today. I just want to sleep when it rains. Why do I have to work and pay bills and be an adult and shit? This sucks balls.

Does the fact that I want to eat my son because he's just so damn adorable make me a loony? I mean, come on, have you ever seen such abominable cuteness? Seriously, his cuteness makes my heart feel like it's going to explode right out of my left boob. That's kind of a gross thought though, my boob exploding. Reminds me of bitches with stupid implants. Implants are dumb.

If you are reading this right now and you have not marked your spot on my guestmap, DO IT NOW you dildo!

Update: You buttfucks are so lame! I want NEW cuss words! Get creative, you cock sucking ass eater pussies! Shit, what does a girl have to do around here to get a little fucking profanity? Holy Mary Mother of Assfucking! FUCK! I love that word. FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK YOU, YOU MUTHA FUCKA! haha. I need a crotch probe badly. Tomorrow is Friday, holy fuck yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's been 26 days since my last cigarette.

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