
Mother fucker shit ass bitch dickhole! [Part II]
Ding! Ding! Ding! Ladies and Germs, we have a winner. First I'd just like to say thanks to everyone who tried to help me in my quest for new cuss words and please feel free to submit your cuss words whenever the moment strikes you. And the winner is Ann of Two Freunds for brilliantly coming up with, "Monkeyfucking Assmaster!"

I'd also like to thank Brenna for "Balllicker! Ballbreath! Ballsac! and Asslut!" Thanks Bob for "Ass Munch!" Thanks Court for "Assholefuckershit!" And thanks Nat for a bunch of German cuss words that I can't pronounce!

After reading everyone's cuss words and my own "buttfuck" and "assfucking" from yesterday, I've come to the conclusion that we are all bunch of ASS OBSESSED WHORES! I believe this deserves further psychological analysis, but maybe for another day. Later, slutbags!

It's been 27 days since my last cigarette.

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