
Creepy day.
So I'm a little freaked out today. I just found out last night that a guy I messed around with a few months ago just died yesterday.

We met last summer online. See I used to have this gay geocities website with a bunch of my artwork on it. Yeah I'm an artist, bet you didn't know that huh? Anyway, he signed my guestbook and we just got to talking. It was an intellectually charged relationship, but as soon as we met it was all about the booty. It was fun and he was good at what he did too. Damn.

But back to the subject at hand. So this guy was divorced a few years and had three very young children, all under the age of about 10 years old, if I remember correctly. He was a very cool guy, smart and pretty hilarious. He never once mentioned any major enemies or baby mama drama. You'll understand why I pointed that out in a minute.

So I haven't talked to the guy in several months. We didn't have any bad vibes, it just kind of died out. It being whatever it was that we had going. There was no bad feelings either, we both really liked each other, but not in a romantic sense really.

A friend who knew one of his friends informed me of his death yesterday afternoon, not knowing if the two of us were still dating. They said it was all over the news that morning, so I decided to check our online local newspaper. The story totally checked out, but of course they didn't name names. Here's the full story. Pretty creepy, huh? I just can't imagine what was going through his mind when this crazy ex-wife's boyfriend was chasing him. I don't want to think about it actually. I never met anyone in his family, not even his kids. Like I said we never got that close. So I'm trying to decide if I should sent flowers of something.

I also found out yesterday that the mother of the guy I lost my virginity to died of cancer a few weeks ago. She had four other children, one of which is still minor. It's all so very sad. I didn't know her very well either and the last time I saw her was at her son's funeral.

So yesterday, and today still a little bit, was not so much sad as it was disturbing. People I knew, but not well, dying. It breaks my heart for their loved ones. I guess all I can do is pray for their loved ones getting through this with as little pain as possible. Don't worry, guys, I'm ok, really. It's just been a creepy 18 hours or so.

It's been 5 days since my last cigarette.

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