
Die, crackwhore! DIE! [Part II]
Well I think we pretty much shut Mandy up around my diary, but I just feel sorry for the other people around the net she's probably harrassing. Thanks to everyone who came to my defense. I wasn't too upset about it, because Mandy is obviously a dumbshit, but it was hilarious to read everyone's comments to her. I now feel the need to give you all a little back story.

In case some of you don't know, Beth is chubby girl who is proud of her body. She's struggled with her weight most of her life and finally got tired of it all. She lost a bunch of weight, and is still a chubby girl, but she is happy being chubby. I really can't do her attitude justice, just know that she has some really inspiring views on life and bodies and self-esteem. She's great. It's not something she talks about a whole lot, but definitely an important component of her online diary. So of course, fat-haters feel the need to flame up her guestbook any time she mentions being happy about her chubbiness. Because God forbid word starts getting out that being skinny is not all there is to life and that people who are killing themselves to be thin are shallow, empty souls wasting their lives away.

So this past week, this comment was in her guestbook. You can tell by the spelling and grammar and stupidity that it is my Mandy, but she signed it "Grrr", without an email or url.

"your a skinny hater!!!! just admit it....if u see a girl reaching for a size 2 u give her the evil glare and u know it! dont pretend. Sure u may be super happy with your body and u may love yourself becuase its "you" but what if "you" were to be able to shed 100 pounds following a regular diet, and just being healthy. Ur saying that u would be uphappy and wish u could be fat again????????"

Really fucking lame right? I left a comment, but nothing directly towards "Grrr" or too insulting. Basically, I just thought she was some random, idiot teenager being a prejudice slimeball.

But THEN Robin mentioned something in her diary about the whole incident. She also made a few jokes about skinny chicks starving themselves. Then "Grrr" leaves the following flame in Robin's guestbook under the name of "Casey" and then "Sarah" later on.

""I am eating way too much lately"..."in celebration of the 50 lbs i lost"..OMG, you know what u are? a joke. How come u go on someones guestbook and insult me saying that im probubly fat. yah thats it, ill show u a picture cuz im PRETTY sure that 105 pounds is not fat. Not only that but how can u try and make yourself out to be all high and mighty and accepting yourself for who u are but then u have a whole damn diary dedicated to loosing weight. at least if yur big and fat then put on a moo moo and admit it, stop struggling and trying SO Hard to loose weight and look good, and then hating people like me who it comes so naturally too. Fat ass Bitch"

It's amazing the courage that people have when they can be totally anonymous. You know for a fact that this little pussyass bitch would be running for cover if she ever encountered me or Robin or Beth on the street. And not just because we could sit on her and squish her, but because our highly evolved brains could rip her ignorant ass from here to Japan and back. So basically, I was fed up with the shit and left the following note in Robin's guestbook.

"CASEY/SARAH - whoever you are. You are obviously an uneducated crack whore, so go get some more crack and leave nice people alone. Crack whore!"

I just thought, you know sometimes people are so dumb they are not worth wasting real intellectual energy on, so I just bust out with a funny insult to make others laugh. It made Robin laugh, so that's all that mattered to me. But then the crack whore started in on me and that's where you guys all came in.

I consider it over and done with, unless the crack whore decides to keep harrassing me. In that case I'll just block her IP address or maybe I'll just ignore her until she gets tired, which shouldn't take long considering she probably has the attention span of a four-year-old. And the intelligence level, for that matter.

So, Grrr, Casey, Sarah, Mandy, whoever you are, I leave you with this: Until you can fight like a big girl and actually leave a url or your real name for that matter, or until you hit puberty, or start your period, or actually have some real life experiences outside of suburbia USA, then shut your fucking trap. Don't kid yourself, darling, YOU ARE AN IDIOT and you have no idea what you are talking about. Real life is going to smack you upside your ugly head someday and you won't have the skills to deal because you choose ignorance over enlightenment. Good luck, crackwhore, 'cause you are going to need it.

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