
Homework is for suckers!
If there's one thing I hate more passionately than anything in this world, it's cleaning. But if there's something I hate even more, it's homework. Do you know how much I hate homework? I will tell you how much I hate homework. I hate homework so much that I will avoid doing it by cleaning my house. Yes, that's right, I have a four page essay due tomorrow, it is 7:30pm at night and instead of working on said paper, I am vacuumming the floor and the innards of my couch. I am a complete moron, yes, I know this. And now I have to go take a big dump. Peace!

It's been 1 day since my last cigarette. I was depressed and crying last night and I bummed a cigarette off of someone. I feel totally bad about it and I didn't even smoke the whole thing. But it was bad night. I promise I won't start again. Save the lectures, I don't want to hear it.

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