
My taste buds have a mind of their own.
We�ve all been told at one time or another that we eat weird food or food combinations. Here are few things that people have told me are weird and/or disgusting. Hehe! And I want to know what you guys eat that is weird.

I love red beer. To me this is a totally normal drink, but it never fails that someone somewhere has either never heard of it or thinks it is totally gross. For you uninformed folks, a red beer is a combination of any domestic beer, usually bud light or coors, and tomato juice. This is the only other alcoholic beverage besides a dirty martini that actually makes my mouth water.

Because it is basically pure lard, I tend to treat this next food item as a treat and only eat it once in a great while. That food would be mayonnaise. Not just any mayonnaise, I�m talking pure, fully fattening mayonnaise, preferably Heinz. I�m not talking about eating it plain, I�m not that sick. But I absolutely love to dip French fries in mayonnaise. Mmmmm. I learned this little diddy almost ten years ago and it was love at first bite. Sometimes it�s good to mix the mayo with ketchup or barbeque sauce, but plain mayo is the best.

If you are a woman with ovaries, chances are you sometimes crave that salty/sweet combination. What I�m about to tell you is possibly the best salty/sweet combination ever in the history of food. Ready? Ruffles potato chips crushed up and spread over plain chocolate ice cream. Oh my god people, I�m telling you, this might sound weird, but if you try this and don�t absolutely friggin love it, I will give you a dollar. Seriously.

I�m not sure how to explain the taste combination on this next one, so I�ll just tell you what it is. It is a very yummy snack, but not something you could eat everyday. Sweet baby pickles and slices of chunk cheddar cheese. They have to be sweet baby pickles, not the dill kind.

I�m sure there�s more, but this will be the last one for now. I don�t think this one is too weird, but some of you may think so. I love to add mustard to my macaroni and cheese. Yummy.

It's been 71 days since my last cigarette.

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