
Goodnight sweetheart weeeelllllll it's time to gooooo
I'm almost drunk and my son is repeatedly trying to bite me. I'd say it's time for bed. No?

Bitches ain't shit but ho's and trick's
Because I don't really give a fuck anymore and I'm tired of trying to weed out all the bullshit diaries, I'm not going to actually read the diaries anymore of bitches who try to join my bitch ring before I approve them. You will automatically be approved, unless of course, your username has something fucking stupid in it like, "girl" or "girly" or "sweet" or "baby" or "princess." So, it's you bitches lucky day.

I'll be in CA in less than 48 hours!
I've been to the top of the Empire State Building. Bet you didn't know that, did you? Yep, I sure have. And in a week or so, I'll be able to say I've been on the beautiful streets of San Francisco, California. I'm going to miss my son something fierce, but it will be so worth it.

I love my mommy, she rocks
I never would have thought that my mom would have turned out to be my very best friend in the whole world. And my dad. My dad has turned out to be the very best surogate father for my son. My son asks to see my dad every single day. It makes my heart swell. Really the only subject that I don't feel comfortable talking to my mom about is sex. There's some history there, but that's way too personal to get into here. But other than the sex subject, nothing is really off limits. And we agree about so many things in life. Mostly when it comes to ethics. My mom's and my own opinions regarding ethical and moral behavior are so in line. It's great because we can bitch and complain about situations and people and we almost always agree. We can always emphathize with each other. I love that. I love knowing that when I feel I've been wronged by someone, my mom will almost always be on my side and she will totally understand how I feel and why I feel that way. I also love the fact that my mom actually comes to me for advice. She respects my opinion (for the most part) and feels comfortable bitching to me. I don't know what's better, knowing you can always count someone or knowing they feel they can always count on you.

Let's get married
Jim Benton, a man after my very own bitter little heart.

The older I get, the dumber I become
I'm just a pathetic blob of crap.

Veggies and water, no thanks
They always beat it into our heads to stay completely away from salt, chocolate, soda, and alcohol when we are PMS-ing.

If there is anything MORE impossible in the world, then someone please enlighted me.

Are they fucking crazy?

What does it mean?
Isn't anyone curious as to what the japanese writing on my background means?

If anyone guesses it, I'll give ya a nice firm spanking. No cheating, J.

You love me, you REALLY love me!
You know someone really loves you when they send you an email titled, "Why I never forget to tell you how much I love you!" that's been forwarded to 2,587 people before you and they didn't even delete all the forwards. It just doesn't get any more sincere than that.

Midwest Swing
I know some of you fuckers live in the midwest, so go ahead and join my lonely little Midwest Swing diaryring already! And all my other rings for that matter, and take my surveys, damn it. I think it's about time for another interview, this time maybe a non-diarylander though. Hmmm.

Because I'm just weird like that
My brother pointed out to me once that I pronounce open like, OM-PEN. I have no idea why I do that and I really can't control it. Just one of the many things that makes me unique I guess. Right.

I'm desperate for change
Would you guys think less of me if I decided to quit my job and become a nanny? I'm so sick of corporate America I could shoot myself. At least being a nanny I might actually make a difference in this world. As opposed to now, where I just crunch numbers all day and listen to shoot-me-now-you-are-so-fucking-boring engineers. I hate business. This is not what I want to be doing in life. I feel like the life is being sucked out of me. Help.

Barely conscious
I'm dead.

Or maybe just dying. I painted a whole room by myself this weekend. Trim still needs second coat tonight. Muscles ache. Can barely walk. Couldn't sleep for shit again last night. Got maybe two hours sleep tops. Already dozing at work. Sleep is not just calling my name, it's screaming it.

Dear Lord, when will I win the lottery so I can quit working and take afternoon naps? When?

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