
Friday the 13th... ooo, scary
They need to make a new movie about Friday the 13th where everyone is just sitting around half awake staring blankly at each other while crickets chirp in the background. Because that's about as exciting/scary as I've ever seen a Friday the 13th get.

Also, I want my own domain. I can almost taste it. It's coming soon folks, I can feel it. But I'm scared. Change and unknowns are scary. I'll probably take your advice and go for pmachine, but expect lots of bugging from me when it happens.

In conclusion, I want to have another lesbian experience, but a good one this time. I blame T.A.T.U. Those little tramps make me horny.

P.S. Yes, I said another lesbian experience. My first one was a bit unfulfilling. It was with a friend who I'd known for a long time liked me and my curiousity finally got the best of me, not that she minded, but I felt like I used her a bit. So the guilt kind of ruined it for me. Luckily we are still good friends, although she still gives me that look from time to time. You know, that look like, "I want to sop you up for dinner."

Why I hate my hair and want to shave it bald
This is what it looks like when I blow dry it -

And this is what it looks like when I don't -

I'm really a good artist, I swear. But paintbrush sucks my balls. Also, I made these in like 2.5 seconds total.

Dumb da-dumb dumb duuuuuuuumb
Do people honestly not care that they sound like total fucking morons or are they really that dumb?

I'd have to start an entire new diary just to record all the stupid shit I run across everyday. But I fear that it would turn me stupid.

Where IS the love?
I am SO feelin' this song lately.

25 years down, 40 to go
I know I'm only 25, but you know what? I can't fucking wait to retire.

My days of napping all day and getting drunk all night will come soon enough. Oh yes, yes indeed.

Something is missing or I'm just missing it
This entire page of entries is shit.

It's ok, I can admit it. It's hard to concentrat lately. I'm just trying to stay afloat. Yet I feel ungrateful for letting my problems eat at me so much. When millions of people are so less fortunate than me.

But it's hard to be happy and stay positive when all your energy is poured into just staying afloat. I'm grasping on to my sanity, my finances, my good humor, my optimism. All these things are slowing slipping out of my hands.

Have I lost the ability to cope? Has life really gotten harder than before or have I just gotten soft? Maybe I never was tough. Yes, I think that's it, I'm big pussy.

It would be so nice to just be happy or even content. I'd settle for content, definitely. But no. Shit is hard. Is it bad luck or is it my destiny? What's the difference? Either way, I'm stuck. You can't really change your luck or your destiny, right? Do I have control over anything that happens to me or around me? Do I really? Yeah, I can choose what I want to eat for dinner, but can I choose to get hit by a drunk driver on my way home? Fuck this shit, man.

What's missing?

You're fucking kidding me, right?
Occassionally I read people's answers to the questions on my surveys. Today, I found THIS montrosity had filled out my sex survey. Is this guy for real?

If so, he's definitely a pervert. This site was started for teenagers, and this guy is 40! What a loser! Now there are a lot of 20 and 30-something people who have diaries here, but not friggin sex ads! So, he's either a loser perv or just a major dumbass. I vote both. Oh gross. I got willies up my ass just thinking about it.

Talking Anus
So I was doing a search for anus pictures hoping to find something funny. But what I found was not funny. Not funny in the least. Like smellyone said, scarred for life. That's an understatement.

Anyway, I was searching for a funny picture to go with my new (not a replacement, just another) diary, Talking Anus, but I didn't find one, so I made my own.

I know, I have issues, I'm addicted. Leave me alone.

Sweet Virgin Mary, what have I done?
Whatever you do, do not, I repeat, do not do an image search for "anus" on google. Unless of course you enjoy being totally and completely grossed out to the point where you regurgitate your lunch.

Don't ask.

I'm a big fat picky bitch
I've decided that the layout of my blog is like the state of my life:

I'll never be one hundred percent satisfied.

Because something can always be improved.

Reason #1,234,567 why I hate corporate America
People who make business phone calls during lunch hour need to have their hands cut off. These are the same people who get in at 7:40am and leave at 5:50pm everyday. Get a life. One ouside of work. I refuse to answer my phone even if I am at my desk during the lunch hour. This is my fucking time off and I don't get paid for it, so don't fucking call me. Imbeciles!

I heard they get a long lunch and an hour break for afternoon naps somewhere in Europe, like Italy. If this is true, I'm moving. Who's with me?

If you haven't checked out Assclowns yet, you are really missing out.

Everyone needs to be held accountable
Read THIS. You'll be a better person afterwards.

Tomorrow is Monday. Shoot me now.

Wish I could sleep like a baby
I love my son a little extra when he sleeps. So peaceful, so serene, so... quiet.

Which reminds me, I've been sleeping like crap lately. It takes me forever to fall asleep and then I wake up a minimum of one time during the night to piss since my bladder is the size of a pea. No pun intended. And then I'm still exhausted when I wake up. I miss the pre-motherhood days when I would sleep for 12-14 hours a night/day.

Poop is funny, yeah... until you have to touch it
I don't know how people with more than one kid do it. Diapers, diapers, diapers. I HATE diapers. I'm so sick of wiping shitty ass and smelling that shit. It's bad enough I have to smell my own shit! If I never have to change another diaper as long as I live, it will be too damn soon.

I have one problem though. I want to have maybe one more kid. SOMEday. Like maybe in about ten years. So I'm thinking, I'm going to have to be married. Because he's going to have to do all the diaper changing. I might have to pay him or do endless sexual favors for him. But it will be worth it. Because after my kid gets out of diapers, I'll be damned if I ever change a shitty diaper again.

P.S. This rant was inspired by the fact that I tried to potty train my son this morning and he pissed all over my couch. And the fact that I'm just plain tired of smelling his shit.

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