
Stress is an amazing thing. It's also amazing how so many small things can happen in such a short amount of time to build up your stress to the point where you feel like either crying or screaming. It's barely 9am and this has happened so far to build my stress to point where I feel like curling into a ball and going into a comma for a week -my son fell flat on his face, in the wet, cold grass while we were walking up to daycare, thus scraping his face up and getting dead grass all over himself and me, thus lots of crying on his part and gut ache on my part -I have a ton of work piled on my desk and it's FRIDAY -one of teachers just emailed me that her father died, my heart is breaking for her -I have finals staring me in the face and don't know where to begin studying -I almost ran into someone on the way to work because they were stopped at a green light and after slamming on my breaks, they still continued to sit there like dumbfucks for 10 seconds -I am bloated -I just got paid, but it's not exciting because my entire paycheck is already spent on bills -trying to walk in the snow and ice is a son-of-a-bitch.

--->This is too freakin' hilarious.<---

I wonder, is it possible to just completely change yourself, your outlook, your attitude in one moment? Is it possible to look inside yourself and say enough with the crap already and do something meaningful with your life? Is it possible to stop being a bad person and become a better person but not for the sake of recognition but for the sake of being sick of who you are? It is possible to erase bad and negative thoughts from your head and start all over? I wonder this.

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