
I honestly wonder where some people get their nerve. Like do you honestly think that what you are saying is supposed to make me feel anything but stupid and how to you expect me to respond to your stupid jokes. Some guy that works in the same office building as me was walking up to the elevator the same time as me. I'm holding my McDonald's lunch and he stares me up and down (not to mention I saw him this morning and he stared me up and down then also) and goes, "Now there's a nutritious lunch." What did he expect me to say, I had no idea how to respond to that. I felt embarrassed and wanted to smash my cheeseburger in his face and shove my french fries in his ears. What, like you never eat fast food, you fucking prick. He's always given me the creeps anyway with his unabashed stares and stupid fucking comments that I guess he expects me to laugh at, but this time it was just way too irritating. I need to start having more balls, so next time, instead of blushing and laughing, I can look him in his eyes and tell him to mind his own fucking business because we are not friends and I don't want to be.

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