
The equivalent to scratching my nails on a chalkboard.
On an average day, I get maybe two phonecalls. (ok, so I'm not the most popular person on the planet.) And I don't answer my phone (unless it's Leah or my mommy ;) ), partly because I'm a lazy hooker and partly because I want to know what people want before I talk to them so I like to let them leave a message first. And partly because people always seem to call when I'm sleeping and I really hate that! But mostly, I just don't like talking on the phone, ok? So anyway, the planets must have been out of alignment today because I got seven phone calls today. Yes, that's right I said eight. Oh wait, it was seven. I don't know, somewhere in that vacinity. And guess how many times I actually answered the phone? If you guessed once you are right. Hehe. I'm such a rotten person, I know.

It's been 18 days since my last cigarette.

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