
The number one reason why I'm a loser - I took my son over to my parents house for Halloween, dressed him up in his costume and that's all we did. But I guess he's only two and he couldn't care less, besides that he didn't even want to put on his costume, I had to force and bribe him to put it on. I guess I just feel like a loser at times like this because everyone else is out with their boyfriend or husband or sisters or cousins, taking their kids out and having a gay ol' time and I'm sitting in a house with only one other person besides me and my son. My son did entertain us all night, like usual, so it wasn't a bad night. Also I watched Friends and Chandler kills me. Rachel is really annoying me now that she's a mom though. She's all anal and overreative and shit. Speaking of moms, a good friend of mine just had her first and only baby (she electively got her tubes tied afterwards) today. The baby was so beautiful and perfect and soft and reminded me of my son when he was born and I cried when I saw him. Babies are just the most wonderful things ever.

And you know what I can't fucking stand. Dumbass people who just talk to hear themselves talk and not because they have anything remotely important or interesting to contribute. There's always at least one fuckface like that in the crowd.

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