
I couldn't agree with the following quote from Wolfie anymore:

"I'm so sick of problems in communication being chalked up to:

Women are emotional, Men are rational.

Women want to talk, men don't.

I mean, people still really believe that crap - they may not admit it, but they do. It's so easy to discount what I'm saying if you just tell yourself that my issue with you, whatever it may be, is inherently emotionally based and therefore irrational - therefore invalid.

It's a fucking cop-out."

It's just really got me to thinking how people cop out all the time in life. People use cop outs to avoid situations that challenge them to actually think or speak the truth or be brave or be different or have strength. People are lazy and cowardly. Nobody has respect or a sense or responsibility anymore. It's all about me, me, me. It's the fucking America way.

Women talk about being independent and finding themselves. I talk about this and I'm in the process of this. But when it goes really wrong is when they use this as an excuse to be selfish and irresponsible. Being strong and independent doesn't mean stepping on people and using people and discarding people once they stop taking your shit and actually challenge you. Being strong and independent is about being responsible for yourself, your actions, your thoughts, caring how you affect other people, and making a conscience effort to show people that you love them. It's about being the bigger person and being geniune. It's about looking at the big picture and weighing the consequences of your actions, not just living in the moment and pacifying your basic human insticts. I guess I'm talking about women here because I see this more and more today. And me being a strong and indendent woman, I take what other women are doing to drag this stereotype through the gutter to heart. I'm offended.

What it comes down to for me is I can not stand cowardly and selfish behavior, never have and never will. I don't care if you are a man, woman or both or neither. Do the right thing, not just the right thing for yourself. Because making yourself happy first is not always the right thing.

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