
I'd like to shove that cancer stick up your a-hole buddy!
What is it with stupidassbitch kids today? I'm talkin' the 14-21 year old range. Here I was walking up to the college door entrance with three HUGEass bags of books I was returning and I was obviously struggling to hold them all, there are two kids smoking right outside the door, I'm maybe twenty feet away, they put out their cancer sticks and walk inside, the door closing behind them and in my face. What the fuck ever happened to manners? To opening the door for old ladies with lots of shit in her arms with no free hand to open the door herself? You lazy, selfish bastards!

But you know what? It's doesn't matter, because what happened almost immediately after that totally erased all negativity within my soul. I just scored 200 bones from selling back my books for the year! Yes! Go me! So, up yours, you stupid ugly kids who didn't hold the door for me, take that and smoke it up yer a-hole! Muwahahaha!

I'm 200 dollars richer and I'm going to San Francisco in a month and I get to meet these bitches in one week and I'm eating the most scruptious chocolate frosty ever. Life actually doesn't totally suck balls all the time, does it? And to top it all off, they played 'Push It' by my girls Salt 'n' Pepa on my way back to the office. It took me back man. Seventh grade was the shit!

P.S. Why is it that only old guys with lots of facial hair and pointy-toed boots find me to be the sexiest specimen of a lady ever to grace the earth's presence? Get off my nuts, you wrinkly perverts!

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