
The creators and supporters of Joe Millionaire all deserve to be executed.
Am I the only person who thinks the entire basis of the Joe Millionaire show was totally and completely fucked up?

I never watched the show, I couldn�t bring myself to. So I guess it�s possible that I could be wrong with what I�m about to say, but I choose to believe I�m not.

First they entice the women with a rich, good looking (well, the good looking part is debatable, but moving on) guy. Then the women are weeded out by the shallow, materialistic types. It�s ok to wave money and good looks in your face, but if you actually want them, then you are a fucking bitch. Then at the end the last woman standing, who has pulled hair and scratched out eyeballs to get there, all the while trying hard to disguise her shallow, materialistic side, is told that the entire basis of the fucking show (Joe fucking MILLIONAIRE, hello?!) is a lie. How is any normal human being supposed to respond to that? Would you not walk out right then, no matter what the lie was? But especially one that big! I heard the last woman actually stuck around, so she must be a more forgiving person than I am.

Don�t get me wrong, I�m not materialistic. If I was, I would have had several sugar daddies by now and wouldn�t date half the losers that I do. But the point is, no lie is ok. White lies are forgivable, even some big lies are forgivable. But to tell someone that you are something completely opposite of what you actually are? Not so forgivable.

I say, people need to look at it from a different perspective. Let�s say (the whore of a television station) Fox later comes out with a show called "Jane Barbie Doll." The woman the guys meet at first is the typical blonde-haired, blue-eyed, 5'7", 115 pound skeleton, with big fake boobs and perfect skin. But then for the remainder of the show they are not allowed to see her, but have to communicate and get to know her only by phone. Then, after a month of talking every day, the last man standing meets the "real" woman he�s been getting to know - a 5'3", 190 pound, brunette, with big real boobs and perfect skin. Would the guy be horrified and outraged that she was fat and completely opposite of the first woman he met? Of course. Would he be considered a shallow dickhead? Hell yes. But would he be justified in his anger? Fuck yes he would. The entire relationship was based on a lie!

There is nothing wrong with being poor, but let it be known up front. There is nothing wrong with being short and chubby, it�s just another body type. What is wrong, though, is when someone is purposefully deceived about a major issue in a relationship, but then are expected to just accept it when the truth is told, otherwise they are the asshole. I don�t think so. The liar is asshole, not the person getting lied to, no matter what their reaction.

Joe Millionaire and the rest of goddamn reality TV can eat my mother fucking fresh, steaming pile of shit.

It's been 34 days since my last cigarette.

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