
I've been thinking and here's what I've come up with:

it's ok to be single and love it and embrace it and not feel like something is wrong with you because you are the only person you know who's not married

it's ok to be smart and beautiful, to have a brain and use it and to care about how your hair looks

it's ok to be aggressive and be a woman and to put your own needs first as long as you aren't being just mean

it's ok to be a woman and not actually care whether or not you ever get married or have kids because you are too busy living

it's ok to be a single mom and feel confident in the fact that you can provide for your child all by yourself and be a great parent

it's ok to not agree with everything you've ever been taught since birth and to seek out and form your own opinions about life

it's ok to not feel like you have to apologize for being bigger than a size 8, to be happy with your body

it's ok to talk to strangers and geniunely be nice and care about people's lives even though you don't know them

it's ok to take time to heal a broken heart, to cry and to talk about it with people who will lift you up

it's ok to like sex, but not be obsessed with it and not feel like you have to be like the women on 'sex in the city'

it's ok to be in a good mood and a bad mood at the same time

it's ok to speak your mind, but make sure you can take others speaking their minds

it's ok to be scared or worried or sad sometimes, to not be ms/mr happy-go-lucky all the time

it's ok to show someone you love them even if they are too scared to show you back

it's ok to walk away from said scared person

it's ok to be a good person and still fuck up from time to time as long as you recognize your fault, make your wrong right and don't do it again

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