
Innocent lives lost and they cheer?
I find it interesting that while millions of America citizens are oppossed and appalled by the pending war, whose purpose is the protect more innocent lives from being lost here and abroad and help create peace in the Middle East, that while we all sat shock and horrified by the events of 9-11, Palestinians danced and cheered in their streets rejoicing that thousands of innocent Americas had died. I don't care how much I hated someone, I would never be happy to see someone die.

What I don't understand is why the US was even involved in the first place. They keep killing each other and you can't tell me that is the US's fault. The Jews and Palestines hate each other. The hate has become so engrained that they are no longer rational people. If the US would butt out all together, they would continue killing each other. But if we butt in, they will hate us even more. I don't see how anyone wins in this situation. I have no idea what the answer is, I just wish people did not have to die.

I know I said I wasn't going to talk about politics anymore, damn I guess I lied.

It's been 58 days since my last cigarette.

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