
Humanity sucks.
Fucked up shit that people I know do or have had done to them that makes me so disgusted with humanity that I want to move to the country and put up a ten foot privacy fence so nobody can ever get in and I never have to have human contact ever, ever again:

- You fuck another man while you're married and then get pregnant with his baby, and blame your husband and his family for making you do it.

- You are friends with your cousin's ex who fucked him over royaly.

- You beat your wife and call her a fat, ugly bitch everyday.

- You tell your wife you hate her and regret ever marrying her.

- Your husband beats you and calls you names everyday, yet you are still totally on his nuts and can't go one hour without calling him to check in.

- You treat her like a dumbass even though she's been doing her job for five years.

- You sit by and say nothing to your loved ones who are behaving totally inappropriately.

- You let your daughter take advantage of you and talk down to you.

- You let your son treat you like shit and blackmail you with the threat of taking your grandchildren away.

- You pay for your grown daughters rent, car, insurance and other bills.

- You bring up private conversations from the past, totally betraying any trust that may have remained, and use it against people for the sole purpose of hurting them.

- You won't admit that you did something horribly wrong, but instead you act proud and arrogant.

- You use people's dirty little secrets to blackmail them.

This is just people I know and know of. I won't even start in all the other fucked up shit that people across the globe do. Rape, murder, molesting, torture, discrimination, racism, prejudice. There is so much shit in this world. Why are people so quick to fuck other people over? Why is everyone so selfish these days? Why do people condone this kind of behavior? Why do people support people who do fucked up shit? Doesn't that make you just as bad of a person for condoning the shit? I think so. If you just stand by and let something fucked up happen and don't say anything, then you are just as bad as the person doing the fucked up shit. People should just be glad I'm not in power because I'd send every sick fucker out there to the fucking electric chair. Fuck prison, that's too good for most people.

Update: Sometimes when people say annoying shit, you just have to respond. Here's a portion of a comment that was left on this entry:

"but people will do stupid things all the time. it's just how it goes. you can either deal and move on, or bitch about it and micracously expect things to change. your choice."

First of all, don't fucking patronize me. I, for one, know what my choices in life are.

Secondly, I can either deal with it and move on or bitch about it? Why can't I do both, bitch about it and then deal with it? Or deal with it and then bitch about it? How do I deal with humanity as a whole making me disgusted? Is my bitching annoying you? Am I not allowed to vent my disgust and anger when I see loved ones all around me continually getting fucked over and some of them not doing anything about it? How exactly am I supposed to deal with shit that happens to other people? Believe me, if I could kick everyone's ass who I know that ever did anything stupid, I would. But I simply do not have enough ass-whooping energy to go around.

See, I deal with my own problems. That is why I don't usually waste my time bitching about them. That's what maybe you are confused about here. I'm not bitching about my own personal life and problems. I'm bitching about the shit that seems to happen to people I care about and even the shit that perfect strangers do that fuck up the moral scheme of society. Because eventually, the fucked up shit that other people do WILL affect me and that pisses me off. Why should I have to be inconvenienced and irritated and even hurt because other people don't have or choose not to use some type of ethical standards for their lives?

I see it like this, and I've said this before, humanity is a chain reaction. You fuck up one person's life and chances are they will fuck up someone else's and so on and so forth. You make a positive difference in someone's life and they might do the same, etc., etc. That's why I feel it is so important for people to keep their morality in check. If you don't want society to be fucked up, then start acting nicer, treating people with more respect, and owning up to your own goddamn mistakes. It's called acting like an adult, and I am just baffled as to why that is so mother fuckin' difficult for 80% of the population to comprehend. That's all I'm fucking saying here.

Update: My bad, niurope, I did take it personally, but if you say you didn't mean it that way, then I believe you. It's all good.

And now that I've had a chance to reflect a bit and read everyone's comments, I'm starting to feel better again. You people rock. I am going to continue to be strong. I am going to continue to try and do the right thing with my life. I'm never going to give up and just fuck my life away because everyone else around me sucks. That is a copout. I guess a girl's just gotta bitch sometimes.

Update again. Turns out I'm an ignorant fucker now even after I tried to clarify and apologize. But I'm trying to be nice here because it was all a stupid misunderstanding anyway. So, niurope, in case you read this first, here's the note I left you:

Like I said in an update to my entry today, I took what you said the wrong way, so my bad. I assume you are referring to me in your "ignorant fuckers" entry, and I'm sorry if I pissed you off. Your comment just struck me the wrong way. It had nothing to do with your opinion being different from mine, I just felt like you were telling me that my feelings were basically invalid and that I should shut up. I happen to crave and seek out opinions different than my own, because if everyone thought like me, I would never learn or grow as a person. Ignorance means lack of knowledge or education and I find it hard to believe that you actually think I'm ignorant. But, like I said, I obviously took what you said the wrong way, so MY BAD. I never called you a name like, "ignorant fucker," because I don't think you are ignorant simply for saying something I might disagree with. Besides, it's not like I was even ripping on you, I was simply expanding on and trying to clarify my point from the beginning.

Last update then I'm through with this.

Even after I apologize, niurope is still insulting me: "you don't add anything "new" to the fabric of humanity, despite what you and friends might think."

Wow, thanks for the gigantic judgement on my character! How very generous of you to judge my entire being and contribution to society off of one incident. Listen, niurope, again, I AM SORRY. Are you reading this? For the third time, I am sorry for misunderstanding you.

As for my friends, well I guess they are just good friends, you can't hate on them simply for coming to my defense. They don't know you and I don't know you. We are not the ones casting judgement on you, but you seem to be casting stiff judgement on all of us, me especially: "you know what, you are right. in an earlier post you had said that at first most people don't like you and when they get to know you they still don't like you. that's me right there." Is telling me that you don't like me supposed to crush me? Honestly, I don't give a fuck what you think of me or what minor perception into my world you have. Don't kid yourself, you DON'T know me.

Also, you are wasting your time trying to tell me what to do: "and with that, i'm out. i won't visit your site and you don't visit mine." I will read your diary ten times a day if I want to. And with that, I'M OUT!

It's been 18 days since my last cigarette.

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