
I'll just bend over right now and take it like a man.
What is it about me that I'm always getting fucked over? I must have a sign on fucking forehead that says, "please fuck me over." I swear, I'm always getting the mother fucking shaft. If shit is going to happen, its going to fucking happen to me. I'm so fucking tired of it. I'm so fucking tired of this goddamn fucked up world where nobody gives a fuck about anyone anymore.

Businesses are out to fuck everyone over, they don't give a fuck, you are not a person, your a fucking number with money and they want it all, it doesn't matter how fucking broke you are. It doesn't matter that you live paycheck to fucking paycheck because you are a single mom with no goddam help from any fucking body else, they still want to fuck you over. They just want your goddamn money. They want to twist and turn the truth so it sounds like you are getting something for free. When really they are just fucking you over behind your back.

I swear to God, there is a not one fucking ounce of human compassion left in this god forsaken world. Everybody is full of fucking hatred. I can't STAND it anymore. I'm so fucking sick of this place and people.

Maybe I'm just a complete dumbfuck. I do know one thing though, I am not having any more kids. As much as I love kids and would love to have about three more, I'm not going to do it. I'm not going to subject any more innocent life to this hate-filled, piece of shit, hell on earth.

I am not mean to people, so I don't understand why or how people can be. I don't fucking get it. I can't stress enough how fucking sick of this shit I am.

I'm so tired of it all. Just so fucking tired.

It's been 29 days since my last cigarette.

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