
I need a piece of ass. Pronto.
Thanks for the nice notes yesterday, you bitches. I feel better today. I guess we all have those weird moments where the world is so dark around us that we can't see anything good. It's kind of scary, but I'm glad that feeling doesn't last forever. To quote one of hip hop's "finests", "I am my own worst enemy."

Now on to more important issues. I've come to the conclusion that I need to get laid and I need to get laid soon. People, I was thinking about this the other day and since I started school last semester I have had no social life. I haven't been out in months. And I haven't been laid in almost NINE months! Unbelievable I know, but it is the truth. This is by far my longest dry spell yet. I think I've forgotten how to do it. I'm thinking KingBastard would give me a shot, but he's all the way up in Canada. Damn. Well I'm going out this weekend with a bunch of people, strange men included. So keep your fingers crossed for me that I meet a manly man with strong hands and a big package! Laters!

It's been 69 days since my last cigarette.

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