
Don't make me bitch slap your stuck up ass across this webpage!
Is it just me, or do some web loggers with their own domain name act like they are better than non-domain-owning web loggers?

I mean, just because you have the money to purchase your own domain doesn't make you interesting. And just because you have your own domain doesn't make you special. And just because you have your own stupid domain doesn't make you funny or intelligent. And just because you have your own self-indulgent domain doesn't make you popular. And just because you have your own online, imaginary world that you can call all your own, doesn't make you in the slightest bit cool or hip in real damn life. And just because you have your egocentric, dictatorship world where you can go off on personal tirades day after day doesn't make you any more of a significant or worthy person on this God-forsaken shithole of a planet called Earth! OK?

I don't know, maybe it's just me.

[I just want to clarify that I'm not referring to anyone who has their own domain that is on my links page. You guys so rock and I love ya!]

It's been 23 days since my last cigarette.

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