
My lesson for today is look before you leap. I will never again jump into something without first finding out the facts and researching. I can't believe how smart I think I am and then some days I realize how truly stupid I can be. And I hate stupid people.

Also, I am the queen bullshitter if there ever was one. And bullshitting will take me far in this life, oh yes indeedydoo.

My niece puked all over my bed at 5am this morning, it was fun. We couldn't go back to sleep, so needless to say, I'm one extremely tired bitch today. All morning I've been catching myself nodding off and then doing that jerking back awake thing. I think I was actually drooling at one point from my Nicholas Cage dream. Damn that boy fine! So usually I'd be Grouchy McGrouchster being this tired, but I think I'm over that hump and I'm actually delirious, so I'm more like Giddy McGidder on crack.

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