
Alrighty, ya'll have a nass day now.
Either I just started doing it or I just started noticing it, but today I caught myself at the end of each telephone conversation at work saying, "Alrighty!" No, that is not a typo, that is alrighty with a big, fat Y on the end. Gah! I'm such a dork! If you talked to me on the phone while I'm at work, you would have no idea that I am the same filthy mouthed sailor that writes in this diary. I guess that makes me a closet cusser. Just like I'm a closet lesbian, closet drunk, closet whore, closet fart sniffer, and closet Disney Channel lover. And now, now I must kill you all.

I was just in the bathroom and I got to thinkin'. I do that in there sometimes. I'm always embarrassed to take a crap or fart if there's another woman in the bathroom. I will usually hold it until they leave. Or better yet, if they fart or crap, it's no holds barred. I know these things tend to more taboo for women, so I was wondering, are men embarrassed to fart or crap in public or work restrooms when other men are in there, even if they can't see them, i.e. in the stalls? And are men embarrassed to fart in front of other strange men in general? Because most women I know would never dream of farting in front of strangers, except Leah of course, but she's the exception to every rule. I'd really like a response from a guy on this one. But ladies, feel free to enlighten me if you have boyfriends or husbands with whom you've discussed this issue before.

It's been 63 days since my last cigarette.

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