
What the hell is going on man?
Weird shit man -Is anyone else having some weird shit going on with diaryland today? I click on my buddy list and half of my peoples are showing up twice. Same thing when I click on my profile, some of my buddies are showing up twice. It's freakin' my shit out man!

Random shit man -This is totally going to be one of those random entries day.

Friday shit man -Oh and here's a little something for your Friday viewing pleasure.

Cramps 'n' shit man -Why can't I be like normal girls and just have cramps when I'm raggin'. But nooooooo, I gotta be a freak of nature and get cramps when I'm raggin' AND when I'm ovulating. And the ovulation cramps actually hurt worse. Damn being a girl. Damn it to hell!

Music shit man -Does it make me a lesbian if I'm totally turned on by that new video by T.A.T.U.?

I've recently rediscovered my love for DMX. I always thought he was fine, but little did I know the mind behind that face was so great. Did anyone else see his thing on MTV when he went back to the kids home he grew up in. I actually cried when he did his grandmother song. Wow. I had no idea he was such an amazing person.

Ok, I know 50 Cent is hot right now. But I admit that I am on the bandwangon. His music is so tight. I mean, seriously, I can't get enough of him right now.

I'm really lovin' Good Charlotte right now too. They have the best lyrics. I don't know much about that kind of music, but I think they are just really neato man.

But don't worry folks. I still have not succumb to the charms of Mr. butthole mouth man, John Mayer. He's not quite as repulsive as when I first layed my delicate eyes on him, but I still have to fight back the gag reflexes after a few seconds of looking at him.

Alright, I should really get some work done today.

It's been 44 days since my last cigarette.

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