
My head is pounding, I'm achy all over, I'm exhausted, my limbs are swollen, my back hurts, my stomach is upset, I'm having hot flashes. Sick? Not exactly. It's simply the joys of menstruation.

I think women should be allowed 24 extra sick days a year than men to allow for 2 days per month to use for when they are menstruating. I honestly believe that women should have some sort of right regarding menstruation. And I don't get why it's always such a big secret and some people get all grossed out. I mean, come on, grow up! It's a fact of life and more common than the common cold. Women all over the world experience pain every month due to menstruation. They should have some sort of relief other than midol or pamprin, which are basically just tylenol re-labeled. But I know, life isn't fair . . . unless you're a man.

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