
I wish I was a scumbag like you, so I could fucking kill you.
I honestly don�t want to turn into one of those people that bitches about something every day, but ya know, this has just been one of those weeks. But I promise to lighten up next week. That being said, on with today�s bitch:

I am SO fucking sick of this shit. One of my best friends in the world has been and is being abused by her husband. I�m sick of her fucking whining all the fucking time about her psychotic, bastard, loser, piece of shit, good for absolutely nothing, fuckup husband. Don�t get me wrong. I�m sensitive towards this issue and I take it very very seriously. What pisses me off, is that she seems to NOT take it seriously. At least not seriously enough to leave him. I�ve been hearing about this shit for over 3 years now, so you have to understand that I�m very close to the end of my rope. I want to be a good friend and encourage her to do what�s best for her and her son, but I�m starting to lose hope. I�m running out of advice and patience. I do not want to alienate her, I don�t. I know for a fact that I�m the only person who knows all the sordid details about the abuse. So I know I have to stay strong and be there for her. I almost went to the police one time, but, my fear of her husband lashing out at me, and the fact that the cops wouldn�t do much more than keep him in jail for a night, kept me from doing so.

He fucks with her head, yet stays with him. He cusses her out daily, yet she stays with him. He yells at the top of his lungs things like (I�ve heard it with my own ears), �I fuckin� hate you, you fuckin� fat white bitch!� Nice. Yet she makes excuses for his behavior every time. He�s heavily into drugs and drinking. He gets high and drunk everyday. He does coke and ecstasy weekly. She has supported his broke ass for the past 3 years of their marriage. He has other women calling his cell phone daily, but gets pissed at HER when she complains about it. �It�s none of your fuckin� business,� he tells her.

He�s choked her, pushed her, thrown things at her. One time her walked in on her while she was taking a shower and he pushed her to the floor of the shower. He emptied all the shampoo and soap onto her, telling her how disgusting and fat she is. He rubbed the shit in her eyes, then took the toilet cleaning brush and started scrubbing her body with it.

Today they were in a fast food drive thru and he got pissed for whatever reason. It never takes much to set him off. He threw the food all over the car and at her. Then he grabbed her shirt from the front and tried to rip it off her. He managed to break her bra and bust all the buttons on her shirt off. All the while she�s trying to drive and he�s cussing her out.

How many more examples would you like to read? There are more, but I can barely stand to think about them, let alone type them. I just had to get this off my chest. I�m at my wits end. I�ve seriously thought about killing him. Especially, the days she calls me bawling, or the even shows up at my door unannounced bruised up and in tears. People like him don�t deserve to live. He�s a fucking waste of space. I wish I was in the mafia, so I could have him knocked off. Am I making my anger clear here? I don�t hate, it�s not an emotion I think I�m capable of. But if I did hate anyone, it would be this fucker. Well, and maybe my brother�s ex-bitch-wife.

WHY ARE PEOPLE SO FUCKED UP?! I swear, people who repeatedly and deliberately hurt people who love them, seriously deserve to die. Why yes, yes I do believe in capital punishment, thank you very much. So suck it.

It's been 42 days since my last cigarette.

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