
I've found this amazing, inspiring, funny, intellegent person on the web. I had to record this awesome excerpt from her website, that can also be found here.

from: Fred L | url: Good Shit re: nod backstory 29 august 2002

"Hey! I am a bit taken aback by your contempt, hate etc for Heidi Klum and Paltrow et al. Men's mags fill a need for many men. Now you may not like this, and I can appreciate your contempt, but clearly these mags are doing quite well and that bespeaks the Darwinian notion that men do indeed love to look at what they consider attractive women and their bodies. And that's a fact. So live with it and ignore it and get on with Life.

"I like you and don't mean to sound mean, but then different strokes etc as Tom Jefferson once said to Sally Hemmings. so be of good cheer and you can be sure you have an admirerer in me. I would at my site post more kinky stuff but that is not for the present but in the planning stages.Kink is good. Great. Play nice, your new pal.

from: Leigh | url: no one's daughter re: nod backstory 29 august 2002 [above]

"No, dear Fred, I won't be ignoring it. Put it out there, and I'm going to respond. I'm sick to death of a pathetic handful of white male constructs of "beauty" affecting and killing women who will starve themselves and carve themselves up and poison their bodies in an attempt to simulate the pituitary mutants (super models), emaciated junkie/waifs and children that appeal to those few men who control the millions of forms of media that constantly bombard us at every turn.

"This has nothing to do with Darwin (smart bloke). This has nothing to do with pornography (me likey). This has nothing to do with individual tastes (go for it).

"This is about programming.

"This has everything to do with blind, sheep-like adherence to what's tantamount to schoolyard bullying by a handful of companies that ALSO happen to own the pharmaceutical companies (you know, the ones that sell things like diet supplements, speed, cosmetics and everything revolving around the multi-trillion dollar cosmetic/cosmetic surgery industry. They're also the same companies that need us to keep breeding little blind, doped up drones and inhabitants for their veal-fattening pens (offices) so that they can keep making their wares while standing on our backs... it's all about maintaining the status quo.

"If someone's kink is pituitary mutants, good for him, because that means he can honestly proclaim his desires to the world without fear of ostracization. But then, that's not a kink, is it? It's just more boring rich, white, male fantasy propaganda fed by its own propaganda, ad nauseum.

"I'm not an ostrich. I'm not going to sit idly by like some doormat moron while I'm slapped into bored acquiescence by that fantasy just because the blindness is rampant. Do you think that black people should shut up and get over the fact that there are so few accurate and fair representations of them within the media? What about Hispanics? Muslims? Homosexuals? Jews? BDSMers? The differently-abled? The elderly?

"I know that you didn't intend it (your letter was very kind) but I think that you're smart enough to realize that it was insulting for you to even suggest that I "live with it and ignore it and get on with Life".

"Perhaps if you'd try (through their writing or communications) to experience what it's like to live in another's skin... to live with every form of media telling you, "you are not good enough"... or perhaps if you could actually know and love someone who does NOT fit into the narrow roles of what an acceptable "woman" is as determined by our society, i.e.: supermodel/barbie, child/waif, emaciated junkie, eunuch/mother...

"I don't know what the answer is. All I know is that I'm never ever going to shut up about it."

AMEN SISTER! If only there were more people like her in this world.

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