
Do your kids a favor, discipline them.
I'd just like to say that if you are a parent and you do not discipline your kids, you are a bad parent. My friend, Jaime, has posted several times about parents not disciplining their kids and these stories piss me the hell off.

I am a parent and I take the job very seriously. I am raising a person and they are going to make a difference in this world, good or bad, maybe only to one person, but one person is all it takes. It's a chain reaction. I've said it before, our society is made up by each of us, and we need to take responsibility for that.

Kids need to be disciplined. If you love your kids, you will discipline them. Discipline teaches children self-control and respect for other people and things in life. We all know that spoiled children grow up to be selfish, rude, egotistical adults, and who the hell likes those kind of people?

Kids need to learn about rules and moral ethics and it is our job as parents to teach this to our kids. How can our kids learn these things if we let them get away with everything? I'm sorry, but you can not reason with a two year old. You can not "talk" them out of bad behavior. This is where discipline comes into play. Whether you choose to spank, put them in time out or whatever, I don't care. But I do care if you choose to do nothing. You might as well give your kid a loaded gun.

People might say, it's nobody's business how you raise your kids. But you know what, it's everybody's fucking business when your kid blows away half their classmates with a shotgun or spits in an adults face for no reason what-so-ever. So to all the parents out there who don't discipline their kids, wake up, your kids are fucking brats and are making everyone else's lives living hell.

It's been 8 days since my last cigarette.

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